Our Services

First Responder Counseling

Clinical Counseling

As a licensed counselor who has extensive experience in working with first responders and in treating trauma, when doing trauma work, I utilize Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD and have found this to be an effective treatment model.

You can access my client portal to learn more.

Billing and Consulting

Private Practice Billing & Consulting

I am offering consulting to help mental health providers become credentialed with insurance companies and bill independently. This will be billed out at the same rate as counseling supervision.

I am credentialed with most private insurance companies.

Fraser Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision

I have over 100 hours of training in clinical supervision and currently hold the Approved Clinical Supervisor certification through the NBCC. I am offering individual clinical supervision to conditionally and independently licensed clinicians.

My supervision orientation is derived from a discrimination model approach. I'll be able to help you set up a structure for supervision, which involves being prepared to talk about the issues or dilemmas in your counseling work. From your need presentation, I will look at it and talk about what I should do with you.

To talk more about it, please click the More Information tab down below.

Wellness Visits

Wellness Visits

Wellness visits will consist of a 1-hour visit with me to discuss wellness in general. These visits can be on an as-needed basis or regularly scheduled as often as needed during the year.

During these visits, we will discuss what wellness means to each individual, how to improve overall wellness, and

anything else the individual wishes to bring up.

These visits will not be counseling visits. There is no diagnosis involved with a wellness visit, and minimal documentation will be involved. Even though these are not counseling sessions, anything discussed during sessions will remain confidential.

Public Safety Director (or their designee) will be sent an invoice for when I meet with an employee, and the invoice will be billed under the employee's name.

If employees wish to schedule a wellness visit, they can contact me directly. If employees wish to seek mental health counseling, I can discuss their options to get established with a provider familiar with first responders.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Leadership Coaching and Consulting

In addition to my M.Ed. in Counselor Education, I have a Ph.D. in Leadership, an M.A. in Leadership Studies, and Graduate Certificates in Leadership Studies, Organizational Development, and Creative Leadership and Global Strategy.

I have offered various trainings and seminars on a variety of topics. Feel free to reach out to discuss your needs and how I may be able to assist you.

Toned Out LLP

First Responder Support Training

Check out upcoming first responder support trainings for professionals through Toned Out LLP.